Job Search Website Indeed, is Offering a Discriminatory $10,000 Relocation Payment to Transgender Employees

Image Credit: https://www.axios.com/2023/08/30/indeed-transgender-benefit-employees


Individuals who believe in only two genders need not apply: Indeed is offering a $10,000 relocation payment “for transgender employees or those with transgender children” so employees can live in states that put no guardrails on “gender affirming care” for minors.

Image credit: https://www.indeed.com/better-work/pride


In offering this monetary incentive, Indeed is encouraging employees with children to live in areas that allow life-altering procedures from chemical castration to outright mutilation in the form of mastectomies and genital alteration.

Indeed’s new gender transition policy puts them at odds with liberal strongholds like Europe, where medical experts are now urging caution regarding damaging gender surgeries. The British government has even imposed limits on the use of puberty blockers for children.

Image credit: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbGNix1pPnA/?utm_medium=share_sheet


Tell Indeed to stop its unfettered promotion of woke gender ideology by calling them at 1 (800) 462-5842 or message them on X (formerly Twitter) at https://x.com/indeedsupport.

To read more, click here.