These six companies are funding an underground grooming website known as the Trevor Project

These six corporations are among those funneling millions of dollars to the Trevor Project, an organization that hosts a private chat room in which adults prey on vulnerable children. The group calls itself a resource for at-risk LGBTQ youth, but closer examination shows it provides a way for groomers and predators to communicate directly with children without their parents’ knowledge or consent (scroll to the bottom to learn more).

Many organizations finance and support the Trevor Project, including these well-known brands:

  • Disney
  • Bank of America
  • Chipotle
  • Kohl’s
  • GM


Disney, one of the wokest companies on earth, has been pushing transgender ideology on to kids for years now, and is one of the Trevor Project’s largest and longest standing partners.

You can email Disney here and ask them to stop supporting the Trevor Project: responsibility@twdc.com.

Image credit:Insider


Bank of America

Bank of America continues to act like a woke politician by supporting organizations like the Trevor Project. Just last week we rang the alarm on Bank of America for their attempts to monitor and run your life. It’s clear this company is a lot of things, but pro-America is not one of them.

You can call Bank of America and task them to stop supporting the Trevor Project at 1-(800) 432-1000.


Image credit: Bank of America Twitter



Kohl’s has lent its support to the Trevor Project through financial donations and a Trevor Project specific pride collection. This is not the first time Kohl’s has targeted children. Earlier this year, they sparked outrage for their pride clothing collection aimed at kids.

You can call Kohl’s and ask them to stop supporting the Trevor Project at1 (855) 564-5705.

Image credit: 1000logos.net

Image Credit: Kohl’s



NASCAR has been vocal in their support of the grooming organization, loudly announcing that they adopted their “I am NASCAR” LGBT logo in support of Trevor Project.

You can call NASCAR and ask them to stop supporting the Trevor Project at 1 (800) 630-0535.

Image credit: performanceracing.com


Chipotle has supported the Trevor Project with a 2023 pride line of merchandise and products that provide a large portion of profits directly to the group during the month of June.

You can call Chipotle and ask them to stop supporting the Trevor Project at 1 (800) 244-7685.

Image credit:1000logos.net


Image credit: Chipotle


General Motors (GM)

GM, who proudly promotes their ESG agenda, also supports the Trevor Project.

You can call GM and ask them to stop supporting the Trevor Project at 1 (800) 462-8782.

Image credit: Twitter


See below to read more about the Trevor Project:

The Trevor Project hosts an online social network, called “TrevorSpace,” in which adults are given unfettered, unmonitored access to interact with children. The chat room does not require age-verification, allowing adults to easily prey on kids.

Image Credit: National Review

Screenshots from TrevorSpace Chatrooms Obtained by the New York Post. Image Credit: New York Post.