WOKE ALERT: CMT (Country Music Television)

CMT puts woke politics over music-loving audience

CMT stopped airing country music singer Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town” music video after the woke mob falsely claimed the country music singer’s new music video defending American values promotes hate.

Woke activists claim the popular pro-justice music video promotes racism because it features criticism of the controversial Black Lives Matter organization and Antifa protesters burning the American flag, robbing convenience stores and attacking the police.

This isn’t the first instance of CMT going woke. During the 2023 Country Music Television Awards, one of its performers surrounded herself with drag queens during her performance, even as states are trying to limit drag shows in view of children.

Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for CMT

If you’re as concerned as we are, we encourage you to contact CMT and tell them to focus on playing that good old-fashioned American music and stop pandering to the woke mob.

To contact CMT, click here, or reach out to their PR team at the emails below:

Ali Marszalkowski: Ali.Marszalkowski@viacomcbs.com

Rebecca Lawlor: Rebecca.Lawlor@viacomcbs.com

Chris Delhomme: Chris.Delhomme@viacomcbs.com