Woke Alert: Dominion Energy

Woke scholarship from Dominion Energy offered to nearly every racial/ethnic group. But non-Hispanic whites need not apply.

  • Dominion Energy’s scholarship awards “are granted without regard to creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, or national origin, the company states.
  • Yet at the same time, Dominion Energy stipulates that recipients should “Be historically underserved students who self-identify as Black/African American; Hispanic or Latino; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.” In other words, if the color of your skin is white, you need not apply.
  • This woke nightmare flies in the face of the dream held by Martin Luther King Jr. “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” he said.